Build-Your-Assortment of Vegan Cheesecakes

72 hrs required


 Discover Our Irresistible Vegan Cheesecakes.

You won't believe they're dairy-free and 100% plant-based! Our vegan cheesecakes are crafted with mostly USDA organic ingredients. They are 100% plant-based, egg-free, dairy-free, and free from hydrogenated fats or GMO ingredients – all while being incredibly delicious!

Our classic trio includes:

  • Strawberry Swirl
  • Blueberry Swirl
  • Classic Original                                                                                                                            

 Whether it's by choice or a dietary restriction, our vegan cheesecakes ensure you can enjoy your favorite dessert without compromise. Experience the delight and taste the dedication and care in every bite.

Portion size - 2 bites

